Acanthuriformes, Moronidae | |
Dicentrarchus labrax |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
European seabass |
Acanthuriformes, Siganidae | |
Siganus rivulatus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Marbled spinefoot |
Amphipoda, Eusiridae | |
Eusirus perdentatus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Amphipoda, Hyperiidae | |
Hyperia macrocephalus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Themisto gaudichaudi |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Amphipoda, Phrosinidae | |
Primno macropa |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Amphipoda, Tryphosidae | |
Orchomene rossi |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Anguilliformes, Anguillidae | |
Anguilla anguilla |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
European eel |
Axinellida, Axinellidae | |
Pseudaxinella cf. lunaecharta |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Bryopsidales, Caulerpaceae | |
Caulerpa lentillifera |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Sea grape |
Caulerpa manorensis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Caulerpa occidentalis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Carangiformes, Carangidae | |
Alectis alexandrina |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
African threadfish |
Carangiformes, Sphyraenidae | |
Sphyraena chrysotaenia |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Yellow-striped barracuda |
Sphyraena sphyraena |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
European barracuda |
Cladophorales, Cladophoraceae | |
Cladophora socialis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Cypriniformes, Tincidae | |
Tinca tinca |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Tench |
Decapoda, Munidopsidae | |
Shinkaia crosnieri |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Deep-sea vent crab |
Fucales, Sargassaceae | |
Sargassum polycystum |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Gadiformes, Gadidae | |
Merlangius merlangus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Whiting |
Gadiformes, Merlucciidae | |
Merluccius merluccius |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
European hake |
Gadiformes, Phycidae | |
Phycis phycis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Forkbeard |
Gigartinales, Solieriaceae | |
Eucheuma cottonii |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Edible red seaweed |
Gymnodiniales, Gymnodiniaceae | |
Gymnodinium wilczekia |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Lophiiformes, Lophiidae | |
Lophius budegassa |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Black-bellied angler |
Mugiliformes, Mugilidae | |
Liza aurata |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Golden grey mullet |
Liza carinata |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Keeled mullet |
Liza ramada |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Thinlip mullet |
Liza saliens |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Leaping mullet |
Mugil cephalus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Flathead grey mullet |
Mulliformes, Mullidae | |
Upenus moluccensis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Goldbond goatfish |
Perciformes, Sillaginidae | |
Sillago sihama |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Northern whiting |
Perciformes, Sparidae | |
Boops boops |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Bogue |
Diplodus annularis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Annular seabream |
Diplodus puntazzo |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Sharpsnout seabream |
Diplodus vulgaris |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Common two-banded seabream |
Lithognathus mormyrus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Striped seabream |
Oblada melanura |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Saddled seabream |
Pagrus caeruleostictus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Bluespotted seabream |
Salpa salpa |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Salema porgy |
Spicara maena |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Blotched picarel |
Spicara smaris |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Picarel |
Perciformes, Triglidae | |
Aspitrigla cuculus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
East Atlantic red gurnard |
Pleuronectiformes, Pleuronectidae | |
Platichthys flesus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
European flounder |
Pleuronectiformes, Scophthalmidae | |
Scophthalmus maeoticus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Black sea turbot |
Pleuronectiformes, Soleidae | |
Pegusa lascaris |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Sand sole |
Solea solea |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Common sole |
Plocamiales, Plocamiaceae | |
Plocamium cruciferum |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Scombriformes, Pomatomidae | |
Pomatomus saltatrix |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Bluefish |
Siluriformes, Clariidae | |
Clarias gariepinus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
North African catfish |
Siluriformes, Siluridae | |
Silurus glanis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Wels catfish |
Testudines, Dermatemydidae | |
Dermatemys mawi |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Central American river turtle |
Tetraodontiformes, Balistidae | |
Balistes capriscus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Grey triggerfish |
Ulvales, Ulvaceae | |
Ulva lactuca |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Sea lettuce |
Ulva reticulata |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Ribbon sea lettuce |
Anguilliformes, Ophichthidae, Ophichthinae | |
Echelus myrus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Painted eel |
Artiodactyla, Tayassuidae, Tayassuinae | |
Tayassu pecari |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
White-lipped peccary |
Astigmata, Pyroglyphidae, Dermatophagoidinae | |
Dermatophagoides farinae |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
American house dust mite |
Axinellida, Raspailiidae, Cyamoninae | |
Trikentrion loeve |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Carangiformes, Carangidae, Caranginae | |
Caranx crysos |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Blue jack |
Trachurus mediterraneus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Mediterranean horse mackerel |
Carangiformes, Carangidae, Trachinotinae | |
Trachinotus ovatus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Derbio |
Carnivora, Herpestidae, Mungotinae | |
Helogale parvula |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Common dwarf mongoose |
Carnivora, Mustelidae, Melinae | |
Meles meles |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
European badger |
Carnivora, Viverridae, Viverrinae | |
Viverricula indica |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Small Indian civet |
Characiformes, Serrasalmidae, Colossomatinae | |
Mylossoma orbignyanum |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Silver dollar fish |
Mylossoma paraguayensis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Characiformes, Serrasalmidae, Myleinae | |
Myloplus levis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Moon pacu |
Characiformes, Serrasalmidae, Serrasalminae | |
Metynnis maculatus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Spotted silver dollar |
Metynnis mola |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Orange spot luna silver dollar |
Clupeiformes, Clupeidae, Alosinae | |
Sardina pilchardus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
European pilchard |
Clupeiformes, Clupeidae, Clupeinae | |
Clupea harengus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Atlantic herring |
Clupeiformes, Clupeidae, Dorosomatinae | |
Sardinella aurita |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Round sardinella |
Clupeiformes, Engraulidae, Engraulinae | |
Engraulis encrasicolus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
European anchovy |
Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae, Cyprininae | |
Cyprinus carpio |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Common carp |
Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae, Labeoninae | |
Catla catla |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Catla |
Cirrhinus mrigala |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Mrigal carp |
Labeo bata |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Bata |
Labeo calbasu |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Orangefin labeo |
Labeo rohita |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Rohu carp |
Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae, Leuciscinae | |
Abramis brama |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Freshwater bream |
Leuciscus idus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Ide |
Rutilus frisii |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Kutum |
Rutilus rutilus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Roach |
Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae | |
Lutzomyia longipalpis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Sandfly |
Eulipotyphla, Erinaceidae, Erinaceinae | |
Hemiechinus collaris |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Indian long-eared hedgehog |
Homoptera, Psyllidae, Diaphorininae | |
Diaphorina citri |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Asian citrus psyllid |
Diaphorina citri |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Asian citrus psyllid |
Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Opiinae | |
Psyttalia concolor |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Hymenoptera, Eulophidae, Tetrastichinae | |
Melittobia digitata |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Lepidoptera, Danaidae, Danainae | |
Amauris albimaculata |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Layman |
Amauris damocles |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Small monk |
Amauris echeria |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Chief |
Amauris hecate |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Scarce monk |
Amauris ochlea |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Novice |
Perciformes, Percidae, Luciopercinae | |
Sander lucioperca |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Zander |
Perciformes, Percidae, Percinae | |
Perca fluviatilis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
European perch |
Perciformes, Sebastidae, Sebastinae | |
Helicolenus dacthlopterus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Bluemouth rockfish |
Perciformes, Serranidae, Epinephelinae | |
Mycteroperca rubra |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Mottled grouper |
Perciformes, Sparidae, Sparinae | |
Pagellus erythrinus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Common pandora |
Sparus auratus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Gilt-head seabream |
Perciformes, Triglidae, Triglinae | |
Trigla lucernus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Tub gurnard |
Primates, Lemuridae, Lemurinae | |
Lemur catta |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Ring-tailed lemur |
Rodentia, Castoridae, Castorinae | |
Castor canadensis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
North American beaver |
Castor fiber |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Eurasian beaver |
Rodentia, Hystricidae, Hystricinae | |
Atherurus macrourus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Asiatic brush-tailed porcupine |
Hystrix cristata |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Crested porcupine |
Hystrix indica |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Indian crested porcupine |
Rodentia, Myocastoridae, Myocastorinae | |
Myocastor coypus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Nutria |
Salmoniformes, Salmonidae, Salmoninae | |
Oncorhynchus mykiss |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Rainbow trout |
Scombriformes, Scombridae, Scombrinae | |
Sarda sarda |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Atlantic bonito |
Scorpaeniformes, Scorpaenidae, Scorpaeninae | |
Scorpaena scrofa |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Red scorpionfish |
Squamata, Amphisbaenidae, Amphisbaeninae | |
Blanus cinereus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Iberian worm lizard |
Squamata, Lacertidae, Gallotiinae | |
Psammodromus algirus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Algerian sand racer |
Psammodromus hispanicus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Spanish sand racer |
Squamata, Phrynosomatidae, Phrynosomatinae | |
Sceloporus cozumelae |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Cozumel spiny lizard |
Sceloporus merriami |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Canyon lizard |
Sceloporus parvus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Bluebelly lizard |
Sceloporus siniferus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Longtail spiny lizard |
Squamata, Viperidae, Crotalinae | |
Bothrops moojeni |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Brazilian lancehead |
Crotalus durissus terrificus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Argentinean rattlesnake |
Crotalus viridis viridis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Prairie rattlesnake |
Ovophis okinavensis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Ryukyu Island pit viper |
Protobothrops elegans |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Sakishima habu |
Trimeresurus flavoviridis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Okinawa habu |
Squamata, Viperidae, Viperinae | |
Cerastes cerastes |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Desert horned viper |
Daboia siamensis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Siamese russell's viper |
Testudines, Cheloniidae, Carettinae | |
Caretta caretta caretta |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Loggerhead sea turtle |
Lepidochelys kempii |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Kemp's ridley sea turtle |
Testudines, Dermochelyidae, Dermochelyinae | |
Dermochelys coriacea |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Leatherback sea turtle |
Testudines, Emydidae, Deirochelyinae | |
Trachemys scripta |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Yellow-bellied slider |
Testudines, Kinosternidae, Kinosterninae | |
Kinosternon leucostomum |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
White-lipped mud turtle |
Testudines, Kinosternidae, Staurotypinae | |
Claudius angustatus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Narrow-bridged musk turtle |
Staurotypus triporcatus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Mexican musk turtle |
Tetraodontiformes, Tetraodontidae, Tetraodontinae | |
Lagocephalus lagocephalus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Oceanic puffer |
Artiodactyla, Bovidae, Alcelaphinae, Alcelaphini | |
Damaliscus dorcas dorcas |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Egyptian dorcas gazelle |
Damaliscus dorcas phillipsi |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Blesbok |
Artiodactyla, Bovidae, Cephalophinae, Cephalophini | |
Sylvicapra grimmia |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Common duiker |
Artiodactyla, Cervidae, Cervinae, Cervini | |
Cervus nippon |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Sika deer |
Carnivora, Felidae, Felinae, Acinonychini | |
Puma concolor |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Cougar |
Carnivora, Felidae, Felinae, Felini | |
Lynx lynx |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Eurasian lynx |
Carnivora, Felidae, Pantherinae, Pantherini | |
Panthera leo |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Lion |
Panthera pardus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Leopard |
Panthera tigris |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Tiger |
Panthera tigris tigris |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Bengal tiger |
Ciconiiformes, Ciconiidae, Ciconiinae, Ciconiini | |
Ciconia abdimii |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Abdim's stork |
Ciconia ciconia |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
White stork |
Ciconia episcopus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Asian woolly-necked stork |
Ciconia maguari |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Maguari stork |
Ciconia nigra |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Black stork |
Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae, Trechini | |
Duvalius milutini |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Diptera, Calliphoridae, Calliphorinae, Calliphorini | |
Calliphora vomitoria |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Orange-bearded bluebottle |
Diptera, Calliphoridae, Calliphorinae, Luciliini | |
Lucilia sericata |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Sheep maggot fly |
Diptera, Culicidae, Anophelinae, Anophelini | |
Anopheles albimanus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Anopheles quadrimaculatus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Quads |
Diptera, Culicidae, Culicinae, Aedini | |
Aedes aegypti |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Yellow fever mosquito |
Aedes aegypti |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Yellow fever mosquito |
Aedes aegypti |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Yellow fever mosquito |
Aedes albopictus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Asian tiger mosquito |
Gracilariales, Gracilariaceae, Gracilarioideae, Gracilarieae | |
Gracilaria dendroides |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Hymenoptera, Apidae, Apinae, Apinini | |
Apis mellifera |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Queen honeybee |
Hymenoptera, Apidae, Apinae, Bombini | |
Bombus cryptarum |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Cryptic bumblebee |
Bombus griseocollis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Brown-belted bumblebee |
Bombus magnus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Northern white-tailed bumblebee |
Bombus pomorum |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Apple humblebee |
Bombus semenoviellus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Semenov's bumblebee |
Bombus terrestris lusitanicus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Bombus terrestris terrestris |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Hymenoptera, Apidae, Apinae, Euglossini | |
Aglae caerulea |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Eulaema polychroma |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Polychrome orchid bee |
Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae, Meliponini | |
Plebeia droryana |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Drory's stingless bee |
Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Crabroninae, Trypoxylini | |
Trypoxylon politum |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Organ pipe mud dauber wasp |
Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Formicinae, Lasiini | |
Lasius fuliginosus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Jet ant |
Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae, Attini | |
Acromyrmex octospinosus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Leaf cutting ant |
Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistinae, Polistini | |
Polistes dominulus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
European paper wasp |
Polistes dominulus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
European paper wasp |
Lepidoptera, Papilionidae, Papilioninae, Papilionini | |
Papilio polytes |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Common mormon |
Perciformes, Cichlidae, Pseudocrenilabrinae, Oreochromini | |
Oreochromis macrochir |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Longfin tilapia |
Oreochromis mossambicus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Mozambique tilapia |
Oreochromis niloticus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Nile tilapia |
Oreochromis rendalli |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Redbreast tilapia |
Perciformes, Serranidae, Epinephelinae, Epinephelini | |
Epinephelus aeneus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
White grouper |
Primates, Callitrichidae, Callitrichinae, Callitrichini | |
Callithrix jacchus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Common marmoset |
Rodentia, Cricetidae, Arvicolinae, Ondatrini | |
Ondatra zibethicus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Muskrat |
Rodentia, Muridae, Murinae, Murini | |
Mus spicilegus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Steppe mouse |
Scombriformes, Scombridae, Scombrinae, Scombrini | |
Scomber scombrus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Atlantic mackerel |
Squamata, Elapidae, Bungarinae, Bungarini | |
Bungarus multicinctus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Many-banded krait |
Squamata, Elapidae, Bungarinae, Dendroaspini | |
Dendroaspis polylepis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Black mamba |
Squamata, Elapidae, Bungarinae, Najini | |
Naja naja kaouthia |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Monocled cobra |
Squamata, Elapidae, Bungarinae, Ophiophagini | |
Ophiophagus hannah |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
King cobra |
Squamata, Elapidae, Elapinae, Elapini | |
Micrurus spixii spixii |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Amazon coral snake |
Micrurus surinamensis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Aquatic coral snake |
Squamata, Gekkonidae, Gekkoninae, Gekkonini | |
Hemidactylus flaviviridis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Yellow-bellied house gecko |
Hemidactylus turcicus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Mediterranean house gecko |
Squamata, Iguanidae, Tropidurinae, Liolaemini | |
Liolaemus alticolor |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Brilliant tree iguana |
Liolaemus bellii |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
El Plomo smooth-throated lizard |
Liolaemus constanzae |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Constanze's tree iguana |
Liolaemus dorbignyi |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Dorbigny's tree iguana |
Liolaemus eleodori |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Eleodor's tree iguana |
Liolaemus hellmichi |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Hellmich's tree iguana |
Liolaemus jamesi |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
James's tree iguana |
Liolaemus lemniscatus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Elegant tree iguana |
Liolaemus monticola |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Peak tree iguana |
Liolaemus nigroroseus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Liolaemus nigroviridis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Black-green tree iguana |
Liolaemus ornatus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Ornate tree iguana |
Liolaemus tenuis |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Jewel lizard |
Squamata, Lacertidae, Lacertinae, Lacertini | |
Lacerta monticola |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Iberian rock lizard |
Lacerta schreiberi |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Iberian emerald lizard |
Lacerta vivipara |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Common lizard |
Squamata, Viperidae, Crotalinae, Agkistrodontini | |
Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Western cottonmouth moccasin |
Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae, Idolothripinae, Idolothripini | |
Bactrothrips brevitubus |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦
Bactrothrips flectoventris |
¦Category of the chemical signal
A - | Attractant |
Al - | Allomone |
K - | Kairomone |
P - | Pheromone |
Sy - | Synomone¦ |
¦(*) indicates that compound is active¦